Sunday 5 February 2017

Little Update :)

Hello once again ♥ ♥.
I know it has not been that long since I was on here last.
Only a couple of hours ago.

I have recently been LOVING Snapchat.
Link to download (
I do have SnapChat myself but I only use it for personal use only. Sorry :)

There is this one SnapChat person that I really like and her name on the app is SLMissglam.
She also has her own website called SLMissglam or SLMissglambeauty.
Here is a few pictures from her site.



Good websites to check out:
                  1) HotMiamiStyles  -
                           2) PrincesspJewellery  -
        3) Colette  -


Talk soon lovelies ♥
~ Christine Towell

Hello and welcome back!

So the last couple of days, I haven't really done much.
Just went to my sisters house and we went to Sizzle for diner yesterday.
My boyfriend slept over my place and then the next morning when he had to go home, I asked his mum if I could go over there and it was all good!

I know this is a short blog but I really should be in bed and fast asleep!
will post again soon :

Christine xoxox

Friday 3 February 2017

Hey, Hi, Hello!

Hello new readers! I am Christine Towell,

So I've been thinking about doing this for a little bit; starting up my own blog. I had inspiration off FreddyMyLove on YouTube. She also has her own blog which is

I'd have to say that I love the colour Pink very much! I wouldn't go to the extent of saying that I'm obsessed with the colour but I enjoy the colour alot! <3

Ian currently loving SLMissglam , FreddyMyLove, Gabriella Demartino, and Coco (Freddy's little sister) on YouTube.

I am in a relationship + I'm 19 turning 20 this August 2017!

Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast At Tiffany's <3

My plan (well... I don't really have a plan for what and how I'm going to start this blog, but I'll see how I go :)

Talk soon <3
- Christine